Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Five S ( Sweet Soy Sauce Stir-fried Squid)

Well this is our favorite recipe. my wife have been cooking this since we were in Australia, it is very delicious you can try it at home


5 pieces of Squid (average size)
2 Garlic /sliced
3 Red Onion /sliced
3 table spoons of Tamarind
1 tea spoon of Turmeric
5 table spoons of Sweet Soy Sauce
Salt and sugar to taste
2 tea spoons of oil for stir frying
a glass of water

1. Clean the squid then cut it into pieces (ringed or squared)
2. Make sure you take the ink tube (but not break it) put it away to be used later
3. Drenched the squid in tamarind, turmeric and salt water then
4. Saute the Garlic and onion till smells nice
5. Add in the squid together with the tamarind and salt water
6. Add in the ink tube and make sure you break it quickly on the pan before it hardened
7. Add in Sweet soy sauce keep on stirring until the ingredient nicely absorbed by the squid
8. Serve it with love

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